Saturday, March 26, 2011


Currently, I do not own or rent. I am pretty sure everyone will come across this questions some time in their life and have different opinions on it depending on your ages, your financial capability, your knowledge, your experiences etc...
But everyone should really start thinking about this matter NOW! 

First of all, how do you feel about renting? 
Perhaps to you, rent is merely a cost of living. For me, NO. I think renting is just a waste of money! Just invest the money in the house, instead of "donating" the money to other homeowner! Of course, this applies to only people who are settling down, not for people who are all over the world.

Second, do you feel like having a house of your own?
I mean besides having to pay monthly cost, you will have other random fees coming as well, such as electricity, water, internet and cable, garbage and waste, new bed, new dresser, new desk, new chair, new dining set, new couch, new washer and dryer, new blind, new pillows, new lamp, new kitchen utensils, new TV, new shoes rack, new mat, new fridge, furnace repairs and the list goes on.<GASP!> Alright, I guess even if I have the money to buy a house, I wouldn't have extra money for all these other things. However, these costs are worth paying I guess. At the end, everything belongs to ME ME ME! Haha. So yes, I feel like having a house of my own!

Third, what would you gain the most from being a owner of a house?
Independence? Stability? Flexibility? Freedom? Investment? Privacy? Family? I vote for all?

Last question, would you rather pay for housing mortgage for 30  years ++ or rent a house and spend the money elsewhere. I vote for the first one myself! I feel secure having a house first, then spend the extra money on something else. Personally I think it is a smart decision over a long term!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Making a decision can be hard, especially when it can affect the rest of your life. I am now making a decision, which could turn into my career for the rest of my life: choosing a final focus for my forth year nursing program.


Mental Health = I fell in love with mental health the very first moment, because of the awesome instructor I have. We had so much fun together, the group was great, we had tours around the city... I love the fact that we don't have to wear a scrub to work, and I don't have to go crazy trying to memorize and perform the appropriate nursing skills. All you have to do is talk to the patient. But at the end, my instructor did remind me that as English is my second language, it would be a huge challenge for me to be in mental health field/

Adult Health =  I don't know. I don't really want to get stuck in general medicine or whatsoever, but if I can choose oncology or othopedic...that would be cool right...i want to work in the operating room too, which some people had mentioned is quite a you stand there all day long. But OR would be something that i should consider? since i want to experience something different!

Seniors Health =  Nah...for sure I would not choose this as my final focus. I am already working in a nursing home for more than 2 years. Very possible that I can get a casual position there as well, so no thanks.

Child Health = I had the opportunity to go to the ER and experienced how it felt to be working in the emerg. I think I really want emerg now! But I sucked at communication, so nevermind. The acute placement was actually not bad either. But my instructor did not make it fun at all. So it is still a 50/50??

Newborn Health = The reason being that I do like seeing new moms and babies. And I am really confident of my skills in newborn/maternity. I really do! And I like cuddling with babies too. And the way my instructor pushed me to the max, made me feel like it is an easy task for me! But...I have a doubt. I did not like babies before, now I like them?? And really I do not want to teach breastfeeding all the time!

Community Heath = I always want something easy. A job from 9 to 5, instead of shift work, a job that only requires business outfit instead of the ugly scrub, a job where i could really take it easy, my actions would not have impact to the person directly, i prob won't make too much mistake...I want to sit there and give immunization to people...EASY! But my friend just reminded me that before vending into or getting stuck into a field for the rest of your life, you might take advantage from the final focus and gain something from it. Good point. So no community health for now?

So what, should I pick emergency? I am thinking a million of reason not to choose you, but I have never thought of a reason to get into emergency...

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Overcoming Shyness

Ya I am Little Miss Shy
Alright I admit it, I am shy!  How shy? Like REALLY REALLY shy! For 22 years, I have been an introvert. I always tell myself that I would change, I would blossom from my own comfort zone, and I would try my best to be outgoing. But well, I never take the steps to overcome it.  Numerous people have realized and told me that I am shy, but I never really care much about it. It somehow strikes me a bit when someone commented "you are shy, and we need to work on that".

Why am I shy?
1. I always use this one excuse: "IT IS BECAUSE OF THE CULTURE!". Having to grow up in the Chinese society where parents are over-protecting the children, not letting the children to talk to strangers (even though it was for safety reason), it slowly contributes to the habit of not talking to anyone other than family and friends. Also in my culture, no one would raise their hands up to ask a question in class. No one would share their thoughts unless being asked or forced. No one would volunteer to speak up. Perhaps there are some who are outgoing, but just the minority. Growing up in this environment definitely has the impact on me, making me used to not to speak up and share my thoughts.

2. I am over sensitive! I take other's comment very personally. Everything you say, everything she says, everything he says stay in mind for a while. And I will process it very slowly, trying to figure out what I did wrong. I think people are constantly judging me. People are being sarcastic. People tease me for fun.

3. I have the fear implanted in me. I want everything to be perfect (the typical virgo). Therefore, I would not allow a single mistake in my opinions. I always like to stay quiet, processing all the information, making sure everything is right. Right, I do not want people to comment on my opinions.

4. English was not my first language. Sometime it is really hard for me to flip things over and say it in English. And I am "sure" that my pronunciation is not clear and people would just laugh at my articulation/pronunciation. I hate when people ask me to say it the second time.

5. Self consciousness. I am so focus on thinking what I should be saying instead of letting the ideas to come naturally to my tongue. I cannot focus on what people are talking about, but trying to build up my sentences in my mind. So conscious that I am clueless to say anything when it is my turn to express myself.

6. I am embarrassed to say anything in front of a group of people. It scares the hell out of me! I would avoid any means to be put in that shoes. I get red pretty easily. That's why I hate dating or going out because I would just stay quiet throughout or stay at a corner not socializing with anyone.

So for 18 years I have been living in this kind of environment (no, you do not need to speak up and your life will still be great). Then I moved to Canada receiving Western education. Culture shock is inevitable. Everyone besides you is so bubbly, talkative and confident! They raise their hands so easily, they answer questions in second, they think out loud, they just talk like there is no tomorrow.

Help me out! How can I overcome my shyness? Any tips??

Monday, March 14, 2011

Butterflies in stomach...Crush on someone...

I am feeling some butterflies in my stomach, but I am not sure if I have a crush on him. I guess I could be shy towards guys too which made me nervous and have butterflies whenever I talked to guy LOL. I highly doubt the possibility between us anyway. I am way too shy that I don't even talk. He is the type of guy who he would love girls to be proactive, not passive like me. Duh! How the hell can I be proactive and take more initiative? I don't know. But it seems like there is not gonna be any sparkle between us. Yeah...another sad story from me huh. I guess it is just the way it is. I will be single forever and I don't think I will get married and I don't think I will have kids and start family. I am 95% sure about this fact....Sigh...

In conclusion, I think I admire you, but not having crush on you. Admiration explains it all?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

ABC aka American Born Chinese

Am I one of the ABCs? I wish I am, but I am not. I am a MBC aka Malaysian Born Chinese. Many were surprised that I am not an ABC and I have only stayed here for a few years. Perhaps because of my look of "guai mui" and my fluent English?

I am particularly attracted to ABC or CBC aka Canadian Born Chinese since I am currently staying in Canada. A few artists for example:
Daniel Wu
Van Ness Wu
Wilber Pan
Wang Lee Hong
 They are ABCs. I am just thrilled by their sexy voices, their accents, their handsome looks, their behaviors, and just everything about them! **Drool** at the moment they speak their mother tongue.

Having living in Canada for 4 years and a few months now, I believe I am 90% Canadian now, keeping 10% of Malaysian traits. I didn't realize this until I discussed with my parents, my sister and my friends on some topics. I didn't realize how I have changed so much in just a few years. The way I think, the way I behave, the way I talk, the way I react and so on. Of course, the 10% is just the conservative thoughts that I am still keeping and will be keeping because they have been instilled in my mind for so long. In a nutshell, I should consider myself as ABC too?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I am 22, and I am still living with my relatives. Honestly, I feel ashamed of it. And I feel like crap living with them anyway. The thoughts of moving out constantly pass through my mind. There has been numerous times when I almost take out my big suitcase and pack everything I could and leave the house without telling them. Seriously, I do not like living with relatives. Why?

1. You would feel like you are a foreigner. Well, I am a foreigner to them and they are foreigners to me too so why forcing us to live under the same roof?

2. You feel obligated to do housework or at least try to contribute to the house. Do not give excuses, they won't take it. JUST DO THE HOUSEWORK!

3. You feel obligated to pay rent or offer to pay for something. Eventhough they say you don't have too, in their heart, yes they would be more than happy to accept your money. It makes you feel guilty if you didn't pay a cent living in the house, eating the food, sharing their rooms, sharing bathrooms, using the telephone, using the electricity etc...

4. No privacy. When I haven't own a cellphone before, I used the house phone to make phone calls to dad and mom. When you are talking about non-sense, or laughing at some non-serious matter, enjoying the time, they are on the side listening and monitoring every conversation. Seems like they want to make sure you are not saying anything bad about them and want you to have a "productive" conversation!

5. No freedom. Need I to say more?

6. Emotion burden. Constantly feel stressful when hearing them talking about me behind me. It makes you cry for sure hearing the comments they made to random strangers.

7. No attachment. No relationships. Seriously, three of us don't even communicate. Nobody says anything to me. And I am really quiet too. So it makes no sense living with them. Honestly, I talk more to strangers than to relatives.

8. I do not want to be dependent. I want my independence! I do not want to be said that I still rely on them blah blah blah. What the hell!

So why didn't I move out asap! I wish I could, but I just can't afford too. Rental fees is ridiculously high. Money is the only reason that has been keeping me under this roof for more than 4 years now. Sigh

Wednesday, March 2, 2011





因為我是留學生, 回国就业,前景看好。 



因為我是留學生,我可以說一口流利的英文, 却把学了十几年的母语给忘了。


因為我是留學生,我知道"凍"的真正意思。 連續幾个月負廿幾三十四十度,凍到頭都痛。


因為我是留學生, 有学业的压力以及对陌生环境的惧怕。

因為我是留學生, 不是出身於豪門之後,我得自己养自己, 不花家里的一分一毛。

因為我是留學生, 有问题, 我都先问google。

因為我是留學生,我不能每天見到爸爸媽媽。看到父母关心儿女,我會很羡慕,想立刻衝上房開webcam 及打电话给妈眯。


因為我是留學生,听着媽媽唠叨, 心里却觉的很暖。


因為我是留學生,因为空虛感, 喜欢独来独往。



 因為我是留學生, 每天只顾着工作赚钱, 没有多余的时间谈恋爱。













Pissed Off by NSF charges

Shoot! I tried so hard to save every penny I have. I saved every dollars I could. I never eat outside, but bring my own food. I never spend money to go to cinema. I never treat friend to any dinner or lunch or movie. I get as much coupons as I could. I buy cheap items as I could. I earned extra money through Swagbucks. And now what the heck with this Non-sufficient Fees charges that just laid on me! A total of $40! The number might seem small to you, but it is a heck lots for me okay! $40!!!! No kidding. You know I could have had 4 sushi lunch with this money! Damn it. I hate it. Why did I transfer all the money to the interest plus account just to earn more interest. Now the interest I earn is incomparable to this $40 charges! Second time I have been charged with $40! Hate it. I have lost $80 in total for the ridiculous bank fees!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


1.别对我说永远 ,我活不到那个点。


3.让你哭到撕心裂肺的那个人,是你最爱的人。让你笑到没心没肺那个人, 是最爱你的人。




7.日光傾城,也未必温暖 。


9.有些时候 沉默并不代表我无话可说。




13. 强者不是没有眼泪,只是可以含着眼泪向前跑

14.明 知 是 场 戏 ,还 要 陪 你 演 下 去 .

15.不要对我太好 这样我会分不清是友情还是爱情。


17.涐旳挽留 伱说是纠缠.

18.一个人的冬天 比往年更加寒冷.


20.笑 只 是 个 表 情 , 与 快 乐 无 关 。

21.关于你的世界、 我没有(访问权限).

22.曾 经 就 是 曾 经 。再 回 忆 也 是 曾 经 。

23.You,made our story so perfect (你,让我们的故事如此完美)



26.社会很单纯,  复杂的是人。

27.同 样 的 曲 子 却 怎 么 也 , 听 不 出 从 前 的 旋 律

28.(微 笑) 掩 蓋 悲 傷 , (沉 黙) 詮 釋 一 切 

Credit to 流浪人之处【新生活】

Sister Rivalries

I was the only child for a few year until parents decided to get me a playmate - a baby sister. We are one of those unfortunate pairs whose parents thought it would be cute to give us names that start with the same initial. She was an annoying brat; interested in decapitating my life.Of course I was no angel. In any juvenile sister-sister dynamic it takes two to torment - and I had a smug first-born complex and a bossy attitude.

However, time goes on and the teasing and bickering starts to dissipate. As siblings mature we do the unthinkable - we start to enjoy each other's company. At some point we stop seeing them as our bratty luttle brothers or sitters and spiteful older sisters or brothers. I start thinking of my sister as an adult. I haven't seen my sister for more than 4 years. I am pretty sure she has grown up so much that I probably would not recognize her. She is no longer the small little kid I can bully when mom is not around. She is no longer the naive kid who believes in everything I say - I am such a good lier and I exaggerate everything! She is no longer the foolish kid that I can take control with. 

Yes, it turns out that my unbearable kid sister is actually terribly witty and pretty fun to be around and talk to. Life would be more flavorful with her existence.


Time To Rest

Oh my...I don't understand why I am still feeling exhausted and sleepy even though I have had 10 hours of sleep for the past week. Seriously? I slept more than usual...I slept later than usual...and I woke up later than usual. Are these the factors that contribute to my sleepiness at work or at bus? Or is it because I have been facing computer and laptops almost every minutes of times I am awake? I don't know. I guess I really need to get back to the habit of getting into bed before 11:30pm and waking up at 8:00am.

At times, it can be seem that life dictates we stay busy. The truth of the matter is that we need to build the appropriate amount of time to rest and renew into our new days.

Give yourself permission to rest and enjoy. Taking a rest or a break doesn't mean you are lazy of wasting time. There is no substitute for rest, so get plenty!