Monday, March 14, 2011

Butterflies in stomach...Crush on someone...

I am feeling some butterflies in my stomach, but I am not sure if I have a crush on him. I guess I could be shy towards guys too which made me nervous and have butterflies whenever I talked to guy LOL. I highly doubt the possibility between us anyway. I am way too shy that I don't even talk. He is the type of guy who he would love girls to be proactive, not passive like me. Duh! How the hell can I be proactive and take more initiative? I don't know. But it seems like there is not gonna be any sparkle between us. Yeah...another sad story from me huh. I guess it is just the way it is. I will be single forever and I don't think I will get married and I don't think I will have kids and start family. I am 95% sure about this fact....Sigh...

In conclusion, I think I admire you, but not having crush on you. Admiration explains it all?

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