Thursday, February 17, 2011

Headache Remedies?

I am studying for finals tomorrow and having a headache at the same time which really doesn't help in absorbing the information I have just read. Googled some headache remedies and the most popular ones is to drink plenty of water... So I did the experiment... the headache is still there =(

I guess I will have to use my old remedy that would work = SLEEP! But damn, I was planning to sacrifice my sleep hours to study! Sigh...I will have to go to bed soon and I will probably wake up late as usual even though I set my two alarms clocks 3 hours ahead.

The test tomorrow is just nerve-wrecking!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't do so well on the quizzes or the presentation, so the finals is scaring need to study, but i want to sleep...and the damn internet is so distracting!

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