Friday, January 7, 2011

I think I am SELFISH.

I have never thought of having children. Mom told me that two would be just enough. Even better, a girl and a boy=Perfect. I don't want to have children myself because it just seems ridiculous to me. Yes, babies are cute (only when they smile to you), not when they are crying for no reason or when they are screaming in high pitch, or when they wake you up all night long, or when they scratch you, or when they ruin your normal life. They require every second attentions, foods, shelter, money, education. That is the time when you have to make a huge sacrifice! You might no longer look after yourself. Kids come into first priority. You care for them more than anyone else. Every seconds, every penny, every energy are going towards them. That is not what I am looking for. Also, the pain you will experience when having vaginal birth and the pain after c-section. Nah...
I think I am SELFISH. I want all the attention to me only.


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